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To ensure that each replica knows that an item is to be deleted, there is a 4-stage system. Each object is flagged 0, 1, 2 or 4(binary). All notification and deletion commands (0 & 2) are sent by the Master Replica. Each server in the ring reply with stages 1 & 4. The 4 stages are: 0 - notification that an object is to be deleted, 1 - notification received, 2 - delete the object, 4 - deleted. The Master Replica will not move to the next stage if it has not gotten the appropriate reply from all the replicas that they have flagged the object with the previous stage. The Flatcleaner actually purges the objects that are flagged stage 4.
You can view obits on a server with the Check External Reference function in DSREPAIR. How you fix them depends on where they are stuck. The 991 course covers the process and problem resolutions quite well.



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