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Here you will find links, references, and our Linux Learning Tools. Our assumption is that you want to learn more about Linux and are comfortable with using the standards of the Linux Professional Institute as outlined at their website and copied here.
Blended System has created a Linux Learning Tool© to assist you to learn Linux. We have taken each of the LPI Test Objectives and created quizzes to reinforce your learning.
These exercises will work with your taking classes, studying manuals and books, command man and info pages. They will not replace hands on experience. They will however, help you to drill on the content of the objectives. The LPI 117-101 tool has 668 questions. The LPI 117-102 tool has 584 questions.
Each level of our Linux Learning Tools© is sold separately or can be bought in bundles for LPI-1 (1252 questions), LPI-2, SUSE Certified Linux Professional (SCLP), SUSE Certified Linux Expert (SCLE) or all tools. Please see each page for complete descriptions.

http://www.blendedsytems.com ©2007
Blended Systems, LLC
8240 Blackfoot Trail Jonesboro, GA 30236 PH:770-603-0300

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