Linux Learning Tools FAQ

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How should I use these tools?There are several ways of learning any new technology such as Linux. On average, most people use a combination of Instructor - led courses, self-study materials and reading books. As you learn Linux, you will come across terms and concepts that will be new to you. Go to the Linux Learning Tool on that topic and take the Objective Exercise. Some concepts and objectives have additional granular quizzes such as ordering the steps to start up the Xwindows server or matching devices to their interrupts.

Will these tools help me as I prepare for RedHat certification?At many levels Linux is Linux, so the concepts are the same. Although RedHat is not part of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI), both have similar interests: LPI on Linux in general and RedHat on their distribution of the Linux Kernel.The topical objectives in RedHat’s RHCT are roughly equivalent to LPI Level 1, so these tools will help you as you learn those concepts. The LPI Level 2 objectives are roughly equivalent to the objective in RedHat’s RHCE so, our Level 2 tools will help you. The LPI objective on Package Management is based on either RedHat or Debian. We have chosen to write for the RedHat Package Management tools since they are more widely used than are Debian.

Will these tools help me as I prepare for LPI certification?Yes. The tools are designed to track precisely to the LPI objectives. Each LPI Objective shows a “Weight”. There are approximately the same number of questions on the LPI test as the weight of the objective. Our Linux Learning Tools have a set of 3 to 4 times the number of questions listed in the LPI Objective weight. When there are more difficult topics such as lists of devices and their interrupts or IDE hard drive device designations, we have included additional questions to drill you on that data.

What makes these tools unique?Two major differences.

  1. The Linux Learning Tools are browser-based exercises with questions, answers and usually with explanations of why a given answer is correct. Many test preparation tools are simple text file printouts of a selection of questions and answers.

    Each time you bring up the tools in your browser, the questions are called randomly and the answers are arranged randomly so real learning takes place, not just memorization of question/answer orders.

    Since we include pages of documentation in many of our answers, you can drill down to pages of explanation beyond just the answer to a given question.
  2. The Linux Learning Tools are not “brain dumps” promising you the questions are on the test. Our assumption is that you want to learn the material, not just pass a test.

    We know that it takes more than just memorizing a series of questions to understand Linux well enough to pass the LPI tests. If you know the concepts found in the LPI Objectives, you will pass the test.
What areas do the tools cover?Our complete Linux Learning Tool set has tools for learning the concepts in:
  • LPI Objective 101
  • LPI Objective 102
What other tools are being developed?Various skill sets are under consideration. Among them are:
  1. LPI Objective 201
  2. LPI Objective 202
  3. Novell courses
  4. RedHat courses
  5. Linux +

If you are interested in specific topics, contact us at: New Topics.

I've got a suggestion on making the tools better. Whom should I contact?We are always looking to go beyond your expectations. We want your feedback. Contact us at: Suggestions

Is Blended Systems looking for questions?If you have specific knowledge in an area we don't cover, yes. We do have some groundrules:

  1. No brain dumps. These tools are not for cramming for a test.
  2. Answers to questions must be accompanied with explanations and/or references to why a given answer is correct or incorrect.
  3. The questions you submit must be unique. We acknowledge that there are only so many ways to ask questions on a specific topic and that there is going to be some overlapping of style. However, we insist that the questions you submit must not be copies of other people’s materials.
To discuss the submission of questions to us, contact us at: Question Submission ©2006
Blended Systems, LLC
8240 Blackfoot Trail Jonesboro, GA 30236 PH:770-603-0300

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